Life’s Too Short, So Do Something You Actually Love

Life’s Too Short, So Do Something You Actually Love

We’ve all heard some version of the saying above, but it’s more than just words. To make the most of your professional and personal life, it’s important to do what you love.

If you want a shining example of someone who is doing what they love and giving back at the same time, you should definitely check out the Sharp Leadership website and book. Carl H. Shaperson, Jr. is the author of both and has helped countless businesses and individuals forge a clear path for their own careers.

You see, when you choose a job that doesn’t line up with your passions, you set yourself up to work at only about half of your true potential. You’re also less likely to feel rewarded or fulfilled. Thankfully, you can use these tips to take the next steps toward transforming your career and eventually, your entire life.

Building a Legacy - Division I Football Program Feeder Program at D.W. Daniel High School

In 2005 Carl H, Sharperson, Jr. noticed that DW Daniel High School had a great football team but was not sending any athletes to College. Having benefited from the help of Coach Sparks, who was his high school football and baseball coach in Spotsylvania, VA., during the same time as the movie, Remember The Titans, Carl saw an opportunity to intervene and fill a void. Coach Sparks sent a recruiter to Carl's high school to recruit him to play football ad Navy, and Carl did not know what the Naval Academy was, and it was only 90 mile up the road. Carl has a burning desire to help young people, just as coach Sparks poured into his life and changed his life trajectory. Carl approached Dusty, the Athletic Director and Dr. Thorsland, the principal and asked why more of the school’s athletes weren’t getting scholarships to participate in college sports.

They recognized that the NCAA clearinghouse was part of the problem, so Carl gathered some community volunteers to help. (Jeff Davis and Harold Coleman, who were leaders in the community, along with the school counselor; were on the initial leadership committee). They all met and started brainstorming about ways to get the student-athletes ready for college. Carl and the leadership team created an after school tutoring program that was mandatory, and it was staffed by students and teachers that volunteered their time to help student athletes in all subjects. The program also monitored the classes that the athletes enrolled in to ensure that they were taking the right courses, and that they could pass the NCAA clearing house standards in order to get into college.  Too often, people see problems and just complain about them – Carl helped solve a problem, instead.  

Some of the student athletes that benefited from the program and went to D1 schools to play football; on an athletic scholarships are as following;  Nuke Hopkins, Jarvis Jenkins, Shaq Lawson, Dashawn Williams, Duval Young, CJ Davidson, Jerrod Williams, JD Davis, Judah Davis and many others graduated from Clemson University and other D1 schools. The first four, previously listed; were drafted by the NFL. Nuke Hopkins was the highest paid WR in the in the NFL in 2019. Carl has a crystal-clear mission in life, which is to give guidance and mentor young people and help them to be all that they can be, just as his coach did for him when he was in high school. Many of Carl's life lessons are documented in his life changing book, Sharp Leadership, Overcome Adversity To Lead With Authenticity. 

Carl is an honorary MISTER from the program Call Me MISTER which was founded in 2000. This program was designed to get African American males into the elementary schools in the state of South Carolina. Carl was instrumental in training and developing the young men during their summer seminar training classes. When his book Sharp Leadership was launched in 2018, the MISTER students gave input and the MISTERS get a copy when they enter the program as freshman. 

Carl is a mentor in a program that was started for student athletes/football players at Clemson University called PAW Journey.  P.A.W. Journey is a leadership initiative that focuses on football student-athletes on and off the field. P.A.W., stands for “passionate about winning,” and the initiative represents how our student-athletes continue to compete and use the transferable skills of football. P.A.W. Journey aims to cultivate leadership in student-athletes through three main pillars, personal growth, life skills and professional development. 

Joining Up With Success

This article was featured in: Chamber Executive (The authoritative Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce Executives)

This article was featured in: Chamber Executive (The authoritative Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce Executives)

One of the few things in this world that is constant today is the fact that everything is constantly changing. You can almost guarantee that within two years there will be some change in your immediate work environment. Some examples of these changes are: you have a new boss, your boss has a new boss, you changed assignments, your company was merged with another company, or your company has been downsized.

All of these changes make it a necessity to be able to quickly join up with new people in different organizational cultures. Because of all of this change, most organizations are not stable long enough to see any of the strategic long term plans come to fruition.

Since more change is going to be occurring in the future instead of less, we might as well figure out how to use it as a competitive advantage. If you are in the minority at your company, you need to develop some superb join up skills. You need to be willing to look people up, and meet with them when it may feel like they are avoiding you. You've heard the old saying, " you have to be twice as good to get half the pay". The saying is true in this case also.

Step One - What are the expectations?

The first thing to do is to get clear directions from your boss, on the expectations of this assignment. What is your role, and what are your responsibilities? Who will be working for you? Who will be supporting you, though not necessarily reporting to you, but is critical to your success? You and your boss should agree on what the goals are, how they will be measured, and on what timetable they will be delivered.

In a lot of cases your boss is real clear about the goals because his/her boss has been clear to them. It is called the trickle down effect, stuff flows down hill. What also happens is that you have been given an assignment that is almost impossible to succeed in. In other words you have been set up to fail. As you go through this join up process you will objectively put together a plan for success. Just remember that anything can be accomplished given enough time, money, and resources.

Step Two - Get Input

Once you are clear about your boss's expectations, then you need to find out what other peoples' expectations are of you. You also need to share with others the expectations of your boss as well as your personal expectations that you have of them. Examples of personal expectations are values that you live and die by. I will tell the truth. I will be open, and honest to you. If you see me doing something that is wrong in your opinion, let me know ASAP. I expect mutual respect. I need and expect feedback from you because I am not perfect.

What are the expectations that others have of you? Humble yourself, listen, and write them down. Ask for clarification only and do not pass judgement. Make sure that you can commit to and live up to all of their personal expectations. Those that you can not live up to, make sure that it is clear why you can't. Honesty is still the best policy.

When you share the business expectations/goals with people in your organization, determine a process to gather their input/feedback on how to meet these goals. Once you have collected all of this good information, then you can identify the critical few that will give you the biggest impact in moving you closer to your business goals. The beauty of this process is that all you have to do is take the ideas of your people and execute a few of them. By doing so, you will develop instant credibility as a good listener, and leader.

When talking to peers, and other key stakeholders (non-reports to you), in the organization it is sometimes better to have a one on one conversation. This allows you to have open dialogue, which should strengthen understanding and support from the individual. Some people are reluctant to share controversial ideas in an open forum. You have to use your own judgement based on the openness of the culture as to which format of getting information is the most effective, and efficient.

Step Three - What is the current state of your operation?

Now that you have gathered all of this input from the experts in your operation, you should have a good feel for the current state of the business. Since you now have the current state, and you have the expectations from your boss (future state), all you have to do now is close the gap. The gap is the difference between the current state and the future state.

Now you need to do a gap analysis. A gap analysis is a detailed action plan of individual tasks. Beside each task, list the resources, money, and the time required in completing the tasks. Once the analysis is complete, you will know what else you need to ask your boss for to ensure that you are successful, and that you meet all of the business goals. You now have a working plan that will change. A plan is something to consciously deviate from.

Even if your boss was trying to set you up for failure or create an impossible challenge, now you have a road map that you can use to intelligently ask for more resources. You can still choose the option of leaving the company, but you make the decision proactively versus reactively.

How do you define success?

For many, success is finding a career that offers the opportunity to express unique talents and abilities while attaining a fully integrated life. Career satisfaction comes when you are able to know yourself well enough to identify what will truly satisfy you in your life's work. In considering your personal career program you need to recognize your ambitions, challenge your expectations, and define success in terms of you.

Carl is the President/CEO of Sharpersons' Executive Leadership. As a management consultant with over 25 years of practical business experience, he helps individuals, and businesses achieve superior results in today's changing environment.

Leadership Excellence

What does it take to excel in leadership?

Excellent people exceed expectations.

In other words, they go the extra mile, they do more than is asked, and they take extra steps to ensure the highest quality. If people were to describe your work, would excellence come to mind or simply mediocrity? You can run into mediocrity accidentally but you have to purpose to be excellent. Thus, exercising minimal effort will lead to a mediocre performance at best, but really going above and beyond the call of duty takes a conscious effort.

Colossians 3:17 says, "Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus . . . " and later Paul writes, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward" (Colossians 3:23-24).

Therefore, we are called to strive for excellence in order to be the best testimony for the Lord that we can be. Non-Christians are watching to see what kind of a difference Jesus is making in your life, and you can point others to Him by being diligent in your tasks and being above reproach in your ethics. Daniel exemplified this spirit during his service as a highly regarded administrator in a secular environment. The Scripture says that "he distinguished himself among the administrators . . . because of his exceptional qualities" so much so that "they could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent" (Daniel 6:3-4).

Excellence does not necessarily mean the absence of mistakes, but it does mean the presence of faith and determination.
— Carl Sharperson

To be excellent at whatever God has called you to do, you must first ask for His strength to accomplish the task and then, secondly, His endurance to complete it. Daniel was met with obstacles in his endeavor to serve the Lord wholeheartedly, but he remained steadfast to the course of action he believed the Lord set for him to task

The epitome of this philosophy is to leave a legacy to family, friends and others: in other words make you some mini me’s.